Cookies personal dataPeople have become wary of sharing data and sending private text in social media sites; yet they can’t be too sure of not leaving data behind in the sites they visit. The data collected gives online business operators ideas about the products or services their customers find useful and purposeful. Aside from providing customers the brands they usually purchase, stocking up with the right kind of merchandise during peak days or peak season is a great way of retaining customer patronage.

While customers consider it surprising to find many of their preferences available, it is meant to be so. The data automatically collected by the cookies are shaping the different personas of customers who visit the website.

That’s the way “cookies” work. They are small files created by servers, websites or web browsers to capture data related to certain posts and advertisements that will be shown to visitors.

What Exactly are Browser Cookies?

Through cookies, web browsers collect data and then use the information as the basis for selecting the posts and advertisements that will appear in their clients’ web pages. The goal is to help websites influence their online audience.

Web cookieA cookie is a small file and can be created server-side. Upon a visitor’s connection to a website, the server labels the cookies or small files with a unique identifier for the web surfer and his computer or device. The small files containing data, provides the basis on the kind of ads that will be shown to the individuals browsing or visiting the websites.

Use Of Cookies in
Social Media Sites

Social media platforms use the same data-driven approach in determining the kind of content to put in front of every user’s account.

Actually, the reason why social media sites encourage and promote interactions between users is to collect information from activities. That way, the social media site becomes more intuitive, knowing what users would like to see, hear or experience online when visiting the site.

How Restaurants Make Cookies Work to Their Advantage?

In restaurants with online food and drinks delivery websites, cookies keep customers signed in for a prolonged period; noting the preferences of customers who frequently place orders at the establishment. Aside from keeping track of customer preferences, data collected by cookies aid in resource management. Restaurants with online delivery services are able to optimize their inventory; avoiding under-stocking that could result in lost revenues; or overstocking, which generally results in wastes. The overall goal in collecting useful data is to stay informed with the latest trends in managing and maintaining customer restaurant experience instead of relying on guesswork on whether or not their customers are interested in following the latest trend